The Wheatgerm oil is one of the widely used carriers and also has great medicinal properties. It is thick and heavy with a strong smell.The oil is rich in vitamin E and other essential fatty acids.It also contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C and other proteins and minerals like magnesium, copper and zinc. The presence of all these nutrients makes it a good source of dietary nutrition. Wheatgerm oil is also a good emollient. It is heavy in nature and hence is normally blended with other oils for massaging purpose.
Wheatgerm oil has high shelf life. It can be stored for 24-30 months. The high amount of vitamin E present in it makes it a natural preservative. It is usually blended with other oils to increase their shelf life.
The abundance of vitamin E in the oil makes it perfect for the skin. Damaged skin can be healed with the application of this oil. Sunburns and other damages caused by nature can be effectively treated with this oil.
The Wheatgerm oil also helps in preventing stretch marks. It can heal scars of the skin and also prevent drying.
It promotes smooth and flawless skin. The oil is known to boost new cell formation when applied topically. It also promotes tissue regeneration. It improves circulation and prevents dizziness and fatigue. It has anti-oxidant properties which make the skin look younger. The oil also improves the elasticity of the skin, thus making it look youthful. The symptoms of dermatitis are also alleviated successfully by this oil.
Wheatgerm oil can also reduce blood pressure and keep cholesterol under control.
Wheatgerm oil acts as a good carrier and can be blended with other oils to preserve them better. However, the oil has strong bread-like aroma that can dominate other smells. So, Wheatgerm oil should be blended carefully with floral oils.
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