Rosehip Carrier Oil

Rose hip oil is favorite carrier oil which is used in aromatherapy and cosmetic. Rosehip oil has many healing benefits in skin care. Rose hip oil, also known as rose hip seed oil, is extracted from the seeds of the rose hip plant. The oil contains Vitamin A, which helps to delay the effects of skin aging, assists with cell regeneration and treat dry, irritated damaged skin. The oil has a naturally occurring preservative in the form of anti-oxidant Tocopherols (Vitamin E), which helps to maintain shelf-life. It has historically been used by South American people but is now common in many cosmetic industry

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PRODUCT NAME : Rosehip carrier oil
BOTANICAL NAME : Rosa Rubiginosa
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : Southern Andes
COLOUR AND ODOR : Golden or yellow in color with mild characteristic odor
METHOD OF EXTRACTION : Rosehip oil is extracted like olive oil by utilizing cold press strategy from rose hip seed of rose plant.

Rosehip oil is the ultimate source of minerals, iron, vitamins and several other anti-oxidants. It is used in masses of cosmetic products. It has a large amount of anti-oxidant substances in it which renders numerous health benefits to its user. It is one of the best sources of aromatherapy. Apart from minerals and iron, rosehip oil is also an excellent source of vitamin A & C, beta-carotene, lycopene and linoleic acid.

Rosehip oil is used for massaging and for manufacturing various cosmetic products. Rosehip oil is basically found in chilly. It gives plentiful health benefits when combined with dog rose, haggebutt and wild rose. It reduces aging effects and gives a younger looking skin to the user. Apart from giving a younger looking skin, rosehip oil also treats cracked and chapped skin. It also cures weather eroded skin as well.
Rosehip oil has countless different health benefits. Almost all other types of oils generally require dilution with various other kinds of carrier oils which in turn give a greasy feeling when they are applied. But Rosehip oil is poles apart from all other carrier oils. It does not require any sort of dilution at all. It can be directly applied over the rough and chapped skin in order to get a visibly smoother skin in no time.
Rosehip oil gets instantly absorbed in the skin and does not give that irritating greasy feeling which is always associated with the application of all other kinds of essential oils. The oil works like a magic over the skin and treats all the scars and marks over it. The new skin is regenerated which is much more glowing and smoother. It can be optionally mixed with some other oils for massaging purpose. Rosehip is an outrageous source for treating stretch marks as well. It is a “must use” product for the ones who suffer from psoriasis.

Dog rose, haggebutt and wild rose and various other popular variety of roses