Rosemary belongs to the family of Lamiaceae. The plant bears flowers that are of pink, blue, purple and white color and is grown in cold regions. Rosemary is an herb that is native to the European country of France as it is often used as an herb that adds a rich flavor and aroma to the food. This floral water is obtained as a by-product of the rosemary essential oil through the process of steam distillation. The acquired by-product has a very mildly sweet herbaceous like an alluring fragrance that comes with many uses which are very favorable for the mind and body. The floral water can be used on the skin for the healthy blood circulation and it can also help in increasing the concentration. It can further help in treat depression and anxiety through its soothing aroma.
Rosemary was cultivated by the Spanish in the 13th century and it became a popular flavoring additive in the 15th and 18th centuries. It was used to combat the plague that hit London in 1603. At that time, the price of the herb became raised from one shilling for a handful of herb to six shillings for the same amount.
Rosemary floral water is widely used in bath and skin care products for its anti-bacterial properties for its rich aroma. When the water is applied on the skin, it helps in increasing the blood circulation on the surface of the skin. Furthermore, the water can be applied on the scalp to achieve glowing hair. Use this oil on the skin to get even tone and balanced oil secretions.
It contains constituents such as borneone, cineole, linalool, eugeneol, pinene, slyvestrene, and methylchevicol.
Rosemary contains natural camphor that has anti-bacterial properties so it can be used as a tonic to treat depression and lack of energy. Its exhilarating aroma can boost up the concentration and make an individual more productive in his or her task. The water can is also very helpful in treating muscle pains.
This hydrosol blends well with peppermint, lavender and Melissa floral water.
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