Ginger Grass Essential Oil

Botanical Name- Cymbopogon Martini var. Sofia
Plant family- Poaceae
Country Of Origin- India
Plant Part Used- Grass
Method Of Extraction- Steam Distillation
Color- Clear yellow to light brown liquid
Consistency- Thin
Perfumery Note- Middle
Strength Of Aroma- Strong
Self life- 3 year
Odor- Bright, Herbaceous, earthy, slightly citrus

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Ginger Grass is a perennial herbaceous plant with sekender stem and leaves with flowering tops. Ginger Grass has a gentle spicy aroma with marvelous earth tones. The Ginger Grass grow upto 2 to 4 feet tall at in fully mature. Ginger Grass is related to the lemon grass herb and has been distilled since the 18th century in India it is used for scents perfumes and used in ayurvedic traditional medicines. The Ginger Grass oil is popular in perfumery material for rose compounds. The essential oil use in soaps as well as cosmetics industries.

Major constituents-
• Limonene oil
• P mentha-1 (7)
• 8- dien 1- ol ( Trans isoperillyl alcohol)
• P-mentha-2
• 8- dien- 1 – ol
• Carveol and corvone
• Geraniol
• Farnesol
• Geranyl acetate
• Citronellol
• Citrol

This essential oil work for improves the blood circulation. It also help in calming and reduction of stress, as well as relaxing in respiratory or sinus passages. The scant of oil is so pungent for insects, so we called insects repellent. Ginger Grass essential oil help to improve to our skin tone, as well as help in muscles and joint pain reliever.

Blend with-
• Cedarwood oil
• Geranium oil
• Rose wood oil
• Sandalwood oil
• Amyris oil