Curry Leaf Essential Oil

Botanical Name : Murraya Koenigi
Plant family : Rutaceae
Country of Origin : India
Plant Part Used : Leaves
Method of Extraction : Steam Distillation
Color : Pale yellow to Colorless
Consistency : Medium
Perfumery Note : Middle
Strength of Initial Aroma : Medium
Self life : 2 years

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



The curry leaf grow naturally in the forests and waste lands of India, Sri Lanka, Subcontinent. The Murraya genus is believed to have 14 global species. This essential oil is used in human daily life like reducing blood glucose level. It can also ameliorate glucose intolerance by leaf extract or powder. Curry leaf oil is considered to be a good cure against dysentery and bite of all poisonous animals. In other way the oil can also be used in painkiller and the anti- microbiological activity.

Major Constituents:-
• B-Caryophyllene
• Beta-gurjunene
• Beta-phellandrene
• Beta-thujene
• Beta-bisabolene
• a-Selinene
• Beta-Transocimene
• Beta-Cadinene
• Limonene

Curry leaf is highly enriched with healthy nutrients. It is extensively used in curries and pickles. Some countries use the oil in making soups. Curry leaf oil is good remedy for nausea. Curry leaf oil is good for hair growth and colour. It prevents hair loss and premature hair. This oil also use as medical dressing to treat cuts, burns, rashes and wounds. This also promotes oral health because this oil is rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, folic acid, zinc and beta-carotene. The curry leaf oil is antioxidant that reduce oxidative stress and remove free radicals. This oil is effective against the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy offering protection to bone marrow and chromosomes. It is also used as an insect repellent.

Blend With:-
Basil, Rose, Nutmeg