Ginger Oil

BOTANICAL NAME : Zingiber Officinalis
COLOUR AND ODOR : Light yellow to pale yellow color with a fresh woody odor of fresh ginger.

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Ginger Oil is extracted from the root of the plant Zingiberaceae officinale of the Zingiberaceae family. The oil is extracted by means of CO2 Extraction from the unpeeled or dried, ground-up root of the plant the largest producing countries are Jamaica, Sri Lanka, India and Nigeria. Ginger oil can vary in colour from pale yellow to darker amber colour. Its viscosity also ranges from medium to watery. The oil is a strong smelling – spicy, sharp, warm, with a tinge of lemon and pepper, which smells like actual ginger. Ginger is a perennial shrub and its root and grass are used as a medicine since very early times. The name ginger is derived from the Gingi district of India, where tea is made from ginger is used for stomach upsets.

Ginger is widely used in the food industry and is often added in making curry for numerous food preparations in India, as it helps in improving digestion. It also has a history in the perfume industry, and is considered to add an oriental note by its warm and woody odor.

The application of ginger oil improves blood circulation and provides relaxation from stress. Ginger oil is used in the treatment of bones like rheumatism, fractures, and arthritis. It helps in giving relief from colic, cramps, nausea, hangovers, and travel and sea sickness. The oil is prescribed to treat colds and flu, sore throat, sores on the skin, coughs, congestion, and fever. Ginger oil aids in improving the rate of blood circulation in body. It is strongly antifungal and can be used to help fungal problems on the body. This oil is well known for its aphrodisiac properties as it helps people who lack sexual desire and suffer from loss of libido. Ginger oil is often used for stomach upsets. It is one of the best remedies for stomach ache, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, and other bowel related problems.

Since ginger oil strong smells, it can overpower all weaker oils, but blends well with all citrus and spicy oils such as rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, bergamot, frankincense, and neroli.

Additional information

size :-

10 ml (sample), 1 ltr, 2 ltr, 5 ltr, 10 ltr, 25 ltr


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